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CarboPac SA10-4μm碳水化合物自外色譜柱



CarboPac SA10-4μm碳水化合物色譜柱



CarboPac SA10-4μm碳水化合物色譜柱

獨立的單糖的快速生物燃料和食品樣(yàng城們)品和更好(hǎo)的分辨率和更容易峰識别和整員新合。 Thermo Scientific 戴安CARBOPAC?S遠慢A10-4μm柱産生比标準戴安CAR關事BOPAC SA10柱高60?80%的峰值效率,從而朋他提供了更好(hǎo)的分辨率和更容易峰鑒定和這(zh站分è)些碳水化合物的集成(chéng)。在4μm的柱分析現身僅需10分鍾,或者少于8分生物燃料常見的單糖和雙糖的要店食品樣(yàng)品中六種(zhǒng)常見的技也糖。 



CarboPac SA10-4μm碳水化合物色譜柱


Dionex CarboPac體資 SA10-4μm碳水化合物分析柱

Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm Ana歌樂lytical Column (4 x 250 mm)088233
Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm Anal友醫ytical Column (2 空山x 250 mm)088235
Dionex CarboPac SA10區雜-4μm Guard Column (4 x 個哥50 mm)088234
Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm 制工Guard Column (2 x 50 mm)088236




Dionex CarboPac SA1去大0-4μm Column for Fast, High-美子Resolution Mono- and Disaccharide Ana生大lysis

The New Thermo 很舞Scientific? Dionex? CarboPac? SA10-4μm Column is 窗不designed for fast chr空玩omatographic analysis of sim生林ple sugars in Bi船熱ofuel and Food samples. The peak eff廠好iciencies produced by the北行 Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm columns p見現roduce 60 – 80% higher peak畫請 efficiencies than standard Dionex Ca還窗rboPac SA10 columns, thus producin術鐵g better resolution and easier peak i書子dentification and integration自熱. The Dionex CarboPa信體c SA10-4μm column can爸金 analyze six common sug他報ars in Food samples in onl學購y 10 min, or eight common B舊公iofuel mono- and disaccharides i商南n less than 8 min.

This is the first in a series o下慢f Dionex CarboPac colum懂術ns that use smaller resin particle中玩s. The smaller part了商icles produce more eff車數icient peaks and bet高低ter resolution making analys技理is easier and more森拍 reliable.  The small了厭er particles also pro黃秒duce higher system 廠慢back pressure (ove市校r 3000 psi) under standard oper都票ating conditions and therefore can onl下科y be run using Th也商ermo Scientific? Dionex? HPIC? systems such as the Thermo Scientif讀分ic Dionex ICS-5000+ HPIC system, which can operate up t月低o 5000 psi.

The Dionex CarboPac拿數 SA10-4μm column should be used a北就s a direct replacement for the Dione訊了x CarboPac SA10 co路場lumn only if an HPIC syst開農em is available

The polymeric Di文這onex CarboPac SA10-4μm c畫睡olumn is packed w鐵嗎ith 4 μm supermacroporou用很s substrate, coated w店什ith the same strong anion-exc筆信hange layer of latex nano beads a紅聽s the Dionex CarboPac S行國A10 column, which pr花我ovides high cap東資acity and rapid, high-re現視solution separations. The Dionex Carbo器麗Pac SA10-4μm co男輛lumns feature high reproducibility, 上志and can withstand th可們ousands of injecti大紅on cycles under high pH conditions不報.

Thermo Scientific? Dionex? CarboPac? SA10-4μm Column for爸在 Monosaccharide a請民nd Disaccharide Analysis Specifica到身tions
DimensionsDionex CarboPac SA10-4μm Analytical亮腦 Column:
4 × 250 mm and 2 &ti術我mes; 250 mm
Dionex CarboPac SA10-4μm Gua我月rd Column:
4 × 50 mm and 2 ×微刀; 50 mm
Maximum operating 水可pressure5,000 psi (34.5 MPa)
Temperature range4–60 °C
Typical operating cond麗個itions4,000 psi at 1.5 mL/min (stand畫金ard-bore column) or 0.38 mL/mi好冷n (microbore column)
Recommended flow rate: 1.5 mL/min (sta如拿ndard-bore) or 0.38 mL/min (mi子森crobore)
Typical Eluents Potassium hydroxide vi著遠a Eluent Generation輛放
Resin composition4-μm diameter sumpermacrop放理orous substrate (ethylvinylbenzene長化 55% crosslinked with d兒雪ivinylbenzene) a遠制gglomerated with 55-nm MicroBe熱答ad difunctional quaternary amm樹西onium ion (4.5% cros司拿s-linked).
Anion-exchange capacity

Approximately 290 μeq/現短column (4 &t草技imes; 250 mm st上西andard-bore column)

Approximately 73 我多μeq/column (2 &t白秒imes; 250 mm microbore column開裡)

Column constructionPEEK


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