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Dionex CarboPac PA100 糖類分析色譜柱



Dionex CarboPac PA100 糖類分析色譜柱

Dionex CarboPac PA100 糖類分析色譜柱

CarboPac PA100用于從糖蛋白中切下的低聚糖、中性和有唾液商北酸的N-連接低聚糖;單糖連接多人對聚糖的異構體;線性多聚糖剖面(miàn)等的分離。


Dionex CarboPac PA100 糖類分析色譜柱


Dionex CarboPac PA100 糖類一器分析柱

CarboPac PA100 Anal爸有ytical Column (2 x 250 mm)057182
CarboPac PA100 A睡能nalytical Column (吃現4 x 250 mm)043055
CarboPac PA100 Column (也上9 x 250 mm)SP2089
CarboPac PA100 Column (22 x 2玩日50 mm)SP2667
CarboPac PA100 Gua事紅rd Column (2 x 50 mm)057183
CarboPac PA100 Guard Col紅裡umn (4 x 50 mm)043054



Low-Picomole Oligosacch女姐aride Analysis

Oligosaccharides released 村短from therapeutic 笑時glycoproteins can differ in size, ch鐘嗎arge, branching, and linka購分ge. Oligosaccharides with these feat生東ures can be resol身劇ved using the CarboPac? PA100. It provides the 紅門flexibility to separate oligosacch鄉靜arides into broad cl就吃asses depending upon th知業e degree of sialylation, while 站服maintaining the resolution 現妹needed for routine ana公南lysis based on linkage isomerism這男. Coupled with pulsed amperom錯話etric detection, the PA100 supports d玩跳etection at low-picomole 化舊levels.

  • Separation of clos喝森ely related olig低林osaccharides, even務雨 isomers, at picomo日就le levels

  • Separation of neutral and charged 裡什oligosaccharides in the same run

  • No sample derivatization required fo書志r detection

The CarboPac PA100 column is a 件鐘high-resolution, st體吃rong anion-exchange col時靜umn for enhanced chromatography of ol樹木igosaccharides.

The Carbohydrate Membrane Desalter can這遠 be used on-line p姐很rior to fraction collection.


CarboPac PA100 Column for Olig店雜osaccharide Analysis Specifications
DimensionsCarboPac PA100 Analytical Column:
4 × 25到商0 mm
CarboPac PA100 Guard Col老亮umn:
4 × 50 mm
CarboPac PA100 Microbore但冷 Column:
2 × 250 mm
CarboPac PA100 Microbore Guard Colum女聽n:
2 × 50 mm
CarboPac PA100 Semiprep電們arative Column:
9 × 250 mm
CarboPac PA100 Semi科熱preparative Colu知風mn:
22 × 250 mm
Maximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 自能MPa)
Temperature range4–60 °C
Recommended operating temperature: am我頻bient
Typical operating conditions2400 psi at 1.0 mL/mi站友n (analytical and guard columns)
Recommended flow rate: 1也冷.0 mL/min
Mobile phase compatibilitypH 0–14; 100% compatible w志高ith common organic solvents.
Ionic form eluents: sodium ace什海tate and sodium hyd民頻roxide only.
Resin composition8.5-μm-diameter ethylvinylbenzen照樂e/divinylbenzene substrate (55% cro如相ss-linking) agglomerated with 275-nm M有下icroBead? quaternary amine functionali麗們zed latex (6% cros明可s-linked).
Anion-exchange capacityApproximately 90 μeq城師/column (4 吧現× 250 mm analytical colum看兵n)
Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-愛話style end fittings.
All components are nonmetall作們ic.


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