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CarboPac PA200碳水化合物色明飛譜柱



CarboPac PA200碳水化合物色譜柱

CarboPac PA200碳水化合物色譜柱購話

對(duì)于高分辨率測繪和糖蛋白釋放的寡糖的分析,使窗有用的Thermo Scientific戴服舊安CARBOPACPA200分析及保護柱提供的敏感性和特異性學木檢測。脈沖安培檢測(PAD)相結合紙們,此陰離子交換柱提供無需使用衍生快速,重複分離。疏水性聚合明區物,薄殼型陰離子交換樹脂填充材料是在p厭著H值0-14的範圍内保持穩定。這(物友zhè)種(zhǒng)*的pH高報值穩定性允許使用有利于碳水化合物的放中陽極氧化的金電極洗脫液組成(chéng)的。


CarboPac PA200碳水化合物色譜柱


Dionex CarboPac PA2志他00 碳水化合物分析柱

CarboPac PA200 Analytical是美 Column (3 x 250 mm)062896
CarboPac PA200 Guard Column (3 x筆大 50 mm)062895



Fast, pH-Stable Separation o湖你f Oligosaccharides

A variety of HPLC approaches老票 are proposed for 音銀characterizing oligosaccharides, but ma來雪ny prove inadequate f來師or separating complex mixtures and a呢玩re limited by a lac購光k of specificity and high limits of門行 detection. Dionex has developed an im我生proved HPLC technique for carbohydr章日ate analysis based on ani現區on-exchange chromatograp新問hy coupled with pulsed amperometric det木化ection. This technique provides high-門體resolution separatio林樹ns with sensitive 開遠and specific detection, withou這小t derivatization.

  • Sensitive, direct detection wit我哥h no derivatization, using pulsed amp車鐘erometric detection

  • Very high-efficiency se站她parations

  • Separations based on size, charg綠上e, degree of branching, and linka電區ge isomerism

  • Low flow rate saves on eluent consum北林ption

  • Does not require deri能冷vatization

CarboPac? PA200 columns are packed with 通習a hydrophobic, 鄉司polymeric, pellicular anion-e新了xchange resin stable 他不over the range of pH 0–14. The unique時飛 pH-stability of the舞民 packing materi場日al allows the use of eluent compos見南itions that are con習麗ducive to anodic oxidat暗說ion of carbohydrates at北些 gold electrodes.



CarboPac PA200 C紙明olumn for High-Resol費亮ution Oligosaccharide 厭費Separations Specifications
DimensionsCarboPac? PA200 Analytica西站l Column:
3 × 250 mm
CarboPac PA200 Guard Col東可umn:
3 × 50 mm
Maximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 MPa)
Temperature range6–60 °C&nb微城sp; 
Recommended operating temperature:制劇 controlled amb業校ient
Typical operating conditions2700 psi at 0.5 mL都呢/min (analytical and guard 家體columns)
Recommended flow rate: 0的草.5 mL/min
Mobile phase compatib作討ilitypH 0–14; 100% compatible with common新術 organic solvents.&n妹腦bsp;
Ionic form eluents: sodi子現um acetate and sodium hydr議著oxide only.
Resin composition5.5 μm-diameter ethylvinylbenzene/div中章inylbenzene substra海門te (55% cross-linked) ag雨照glomerated with 43 nm Micro都什Bead? quaternary amine fu技睡nctionalized latex (6% cro亮還sslinked)
Anion-exchange capacityApproximately 35 μeq/column (3&nbs呢跳p;× 250 mm analyt內年ical column)
Column construction學雜PEEK? with 10-32 threa這謝ded ferrule-style end fittings.
All components are nonmetall廠拿ic


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