CarboPac PA10糖和氨基酸爸視分析色譜柱
AminoPac PA10柱結合陰離子交問吃換,梯度淋洗以及脈沖電化學(xué)檢測,可以分離多種(zhǒ腦鐘ng)氨基酸
AminoPac PA10柱結合陰離子交換,梯度淋洗以及脈沖電化學離劇(xué)檢測,可以分離多種(zhǒn明民g)氨基酸。分離氨基酸的同時(shí),還(hái)可檢測氨基糖及碳水化雨外合物。此外,還(hái)可分離多種(zhǒng)糖類,磷酸化氨基酸,以及含硫裡麗氨基酸的普通氧化産物,如磺基丙氨酸。其柱填料爲疏水性高聚物飛歌薄殼型陰離子交換劑,可在pH0-14範圍内使用。填料*的pH穩定性可老允許使用的淋洗液,有助于氨基酸在金電極的陽極氧化。
CarboPac PA10糖和氨基酸分析色譜柱
Dionex CarboPac PA10 糖和氨基酸分朋訊析柱
分析柱 | |
CarboPac PA10 Analytical C懂要olumn (2 x 250 mm) | 057180 |
CarboPac PA10 Analytical 日人Column (4 x 250 mm) | 046110 |
CarboPac PA10 Semi-Preparative (喝這9 X 250 mm) | SP4216 |
保護柱 | |
CarboPac PA10 Guard Column (2 x 50 m區火m) | 057181 |
AminoTrap Column中黃 (2 x 50 mm) | SP5578 |
CarboPac PA10 Guard Column (4 x 50 mm) | 046115 |
Amino Trap Column (4 x 50 mm) | 046122 |
Borate Trap Column | 047078 |
Amino Trap Column (3 x拍近 30 mm) | 060146 |
The Thermo Scientific? CarboPac為放? PA10 column line has been ex資你panded to include章人 a new 0.4 × 250 mm capillary拍頻 column. As with al錢煙l CarboPac PA10 columns, the new 了很capillary format is the 拍空ideal choice for mono- and disacchari高討des in foods, drugs and pl去美ants.
The CarboPac PA10 is an ideal choice fo自道r separations of mono- and disaccha可這rides found in mammalia爸懂n glycoproteins. Fucose is 湖低well resolved from 身物the system void and from prot術車ein hydrolysate interferents. The C河問arboPac PA10 allows oxygen to e朋熱lute after mannose, elimina計話ting interference with monosaccha你們rides. It is ideal 空城for the analysis of mono-遠山 and disaccharides in foods, drugs, an劇兒d plants, and sepa月雪rates sialic acids with the addition 在作of sodium acetate to the el外西uent.
For the quantificat草妹ion of acidic, neutral, and am高朋inomonosaccharides
Simple, isocratic separations呢他
Superior selectivity for common monosa視空ccharides compared to the Ca術書rboPac PA1
No derivatization required
Gradient compatible
The CarboPac PA10 is a對見n anion-exchange column designed影間 specifically for high-resoluti月光on separations of mono- 如子and disaccharides. Separa內照tion is accomplished 輛舊with a simple i業筆socratic eluent, and detection is多拍 accomplished with puls刀歌ed amperometric detection 靜媽(PAD). No derivatization is requi刀林red.
CarboPac PA10 Column for Monosaccha美我ride and Disaccharide Ana吃也lysis Specificati裡小ons | |
Dimensions | CarboPac PA10 Analytical Co的路lumn: 4 × 250 mm, 2 &tim話友es; 250 mm and 0.4 × 250 mm CarboPac PA10 Guard Column: 4 × 50 mm, 2 × 5坐現0 mm and 0.4 × 50 下得mm |
Maximum operating pressure下劇 | 3500 psi (24.5 MPa) |
Temperature range | 4–55 °C Recommended operating temper下河ature: ambient |
Typical operating co長愛nditions | 1900 psi at 1.0 mL/劇什min (4 mm analy身大tical and guard columns) Recommended flow rate: 1光中.0 mL/min (4 mm), 0.25 mL/min (2 m國化m) or 0.010 mL/min (0.4 多司mm) |
Mobile phase compat知筆ibility | pH 0–14; up to 90% of c理理ommon HPLC solvents. Avoid anionic detergents and 1書水00% water. Acetate or hydroxide eluen呢志ts only. |
Resin composition | 10-μm diameter substrate身讀 (ethylvinylbenzene 55%短報 cross-linked with di這女vinylbenzene) agglomerated wi花話th 460-nm MicroBead業上? difunctional quaternary am中子monium ion (5% 會房cross-linked). |
Anion-exchange capacity | Approximately: 100 μeq/column (4 ×&nbs麗藍p;250 mm analytical column) 25 μeq/column (2 林喝× 250 mm analytical column)美鐘 1 μeq/column (0.4 &ti能木mes; 250 mm analyt章湖ical column) |
Column construction | PEEK with 10-32 threaded ferrule-style 動音end fittings. All components are n車雨onmetallic. |