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Dionex AminoPac PA1銀微 氨基酸分析色譜柱



Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析色譜柱



Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析色譜對技柱

AminoPac PA1柱用于氨基酸的快速分離。特别适北月用于分析酸性和酸不穩定性氨基酸,以及用陽離子交換分離不*的氨基酸對(d工門uì)。



Dionex AminoPac PA1 氨基酸分析色譜柱


AminoPac PA1 Analytical Col能廠umn (4 x 250 mm)037022
AminoPac PA1 Guard Column (話讀4 x 50 mm)037023



For Specialized Amino Acid文和 Applications with Po醫笑stcolumn Derivati來國zation

The AminoPac® PA1 column is a high-speed, pellic司和ular, strong, anion-exchange column. Th制多e PA1 delivers high-efficiency s刀子eparations as a result of 女呢its nonporous-core particle.雨劇 Its strong anion-e道少xchange characteristics are imparte票會d by agglomerating 司玩surface MicroBead™ 草他particles that are functionalized黑吧 with the quaternary ammonium fun要件ctional group, resulting in a hi可道gher capacity than typically offe黑分red by nonporous resins.

  • Resolves phosphorylated and other am那舊ino acids by anion-exchange chromatogra服為phy

  • Separates acid-亮答labile amino acids under basic p身拿H conditions

  • Separates strong空愛ly acidic amino acids

  • Requires OPA or ninhydrin postcolu在妹mn derivatization

The anion-exchange 中喝selectivity of the Ami費對noPac PA1 can be used to re和頻solve peaks that c裡暗annot be resolved using a cat相媽ion-exchange column. Fo能窗r example, O-phospho外校rylated amino acids are resolved an土書d eluted near the end of a hydr放靜olysate chromat道通ogram. Arogenic acid, a precursor to t很他yrosine and phenylalanine, decomposes 水快under the acidic cond男拍itions required for cation-exchange s林房eparation or PITC derivati林風zation, but it is stable in文懂 alkaline eluent間做s used with AminoPac PA1 column.

The PA1 is particularly well suited 問很for acidic and acid-lab還森ile amino acids and for amino a爸笑cid pairs not completely r都訊esolved by cation-ex都計change chromatography.




AminoPac PA1 Column for Specialized Ami呢事no Acid Applications with Postco什事lumn Derivatization  Specifi嗎要cations
DimensionsAminoPac PA1 Analytical Column:
4 × 土員250 mm
AminoPac PA1 Gua小爸rd Column:
4 × 50 mm
Maximum operating pressure4000 psi (27.9 MPa)
Recommended operating temperatur站北eAmbient
Typical operating conditions1.0 mL/min gradient
Recommended flow rate: 1.0 mL報醫/min
Mobile phase co身南mpatibilityCompatible with up to 5吧中% common organic solvents.
Recommended eluents: hydrox錢如ide, borate, and acetate.
Resin composition10-μm-diameter, pellicular substrate 用草(2% cross-linked)
agglomerated with a 180 nm得員 MicroBead alkyl qua要子ternary ammonium functionalized近如 latex (20% cros身冷s-linked).
Anion-exchange capacityN/A
Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 threaded ferru文花le-style end fittings.
All components are nonmetall都坐ic.


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