

産品中心您現在的位置:首頁 > 産品展示 > 液相配件 > 檢測器及其配件 > Dionex SCC-10抑制電流控制器 074053

Dionex SCC-10抑制電流控訊綠制器 074053



Dionex SCC-10抑制電流控制器 07405愛草3

Dionex SCC-10抑制電流飛高控制器 074053

提高抑制壽命,同時(shí)降低噪音傳統離子色譜法(IC)系統的美器隻有四個電解抑制當前設置。 Thermo Scientifi一很c戴安SCC-10抑制電流控制器提供了一個選擇12目前的水平,所以你可以選擇适腦新合您的IC應用的*操作條件。



Dionex SCC-10抑制電流控制器&哥議nbsp;074053


SCC-10   Suppressor Current 話吃Controller074053



The SCC-10 Suppr答亮essor Current Contr視船oller is an external adapter designed業通 for use with l鐘音egacy instruments that offer only fou黃草r settings for electrolytic suppressor唱可 current. This limitation prevents se還理lection of the optimal年湖 operating conditions and suppressor 唱理current settings require用東d for many IC (ion 就又chromatography) appli路西cations. The SCC-10服醫 output current can b呢市e set in 12 discrete step習光s from 10 to 25報我0 mA, thus increasing suppressor l還爸ifetime while simultaneou學家sly reducing noise.

The SCC-10 connects between the su朋短ppressor power supply如時 for the IC system and the 鐘去suppressor. Because the SCC-10 is p山資owered from the existing suppre要黑ssor power supply, it is not neces也腦sary to change the system confi土線guration in the control software to 舞草support the SCC-10.

The SCC-10 can be operated with the fol睡老lowing legacy systems f弟光rom Dionex:

  • DX-120 Ion Chromatograph

  • DX-320 and DX-320J Ion Chromato工工graphs

  • DX-500 Ion Chromatography Sy很得stem

  • DX-600 Ion Chromatograp作森hy System

  • DX-800 Process Analyzer

The SCC-10 is compatibl員著e with the SRS 300 series of suppressor讀場s; it is not compatible wit森少h the CMD, SRN, Atlas, or CES 300 ser鄉地ies of suppressors.


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