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Dionex SRD-10抑制再生劑檢測器 074黑近395



Dionex SRD-10抑制再生劑檢測器 074395

Dionex SRD-10抑制再生劑檢測器 074395


保護您的抑制器和使用外部水或化學(xué)再生模式下,盡一切運行計數。 T內文hermo Scientific戴安SRD-10抑制再生劑檢測器花光,如果抑制再生流動停止或減緩,防止對(duì)抑制或浪費的音厭離子色譜法(IC)運行損壞自動禁用洗脫快票液泵。



Dionex SRD-10抑制再生劑檢測器 074395

SRD-10   Suppre很答ssor Regenerant Det畫站ector074395




The SRD-10 Suppressor Regenera工分nt Detector is a stand-alone device 劇舞that monitors li輛雜quid flow to a suppressor. If th刀長e flow is restricted or st美空ops, the SRD-10 automaticall場說y disables the eluent體的 pump via a TTL command, t車熱hus preventing irr有化eversible damage being don對購e to the suppressor.

The SRD-10 is intended for use with南他 these applications:

  • An SRS® 300 Self-Regenerating S報相uppressor that is operated in t見森he external water mode

  • An MMS 300 MicroMembrane Suppressor that i們海s operated in the藍吃 chemical regenerant mode

In the external wa對山ter mode of operation, an extern門美al water supply is pumped into紅算 the SRS regenerant channels. A cons照離tant current is ap輛微plied across the ele可術ctrodes in the S舊線RS to electrolyt又友ically regenerate the devic街在e. It is possible for t說子he IC (ion chromatography) system 務路to continue to operate and for cu飛民rrent to be applied to the SRS even af舊農ter external water flow has sto資車pped or the water北舞 supply is deplet討在ed. Unless the current is turned of她業f, this will quickly cause irreve媽討rsible damage to the SRS有河.

In the chemical rege店拍nerant mode of operati日跳on, running out o房鐘f regenerant will not dam和海age the MMS, but it w報地ill adversely affect the空玩 chromatographic run.

In either of these電如 scenarios, the SRD-10 愛民will shut off t的資he eluent pump, stopping the run我生. In the case of the SRS, the el公件uent pump shut off will s老習witch off the suppressor.


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