Dionex IonPac AS20 陰離子交換柱 063148
飲用水中高氯酸鹽的簡化,地表水和地下水的微量分析,矩陣使用Thermo Sci他妹entific? Dionex? IonPac? AS20毛細管,分析保護柱。間影本專欄的容量和選擇性确保高氯酸鹽可以量化的低μg/L采用抑制電有木導檢測的濃度,即使在濃度很高的氯化物,碳酸鹽和硫酸鹽的存在。錢男本欄是美國(guó)環保局規定的314.1用于樣(yàng)品預濃縮後(hòu美做)飲用水中痕量高氯酸的測定(驗證性方法)。們場
Dionex IonPac AS20 陰離子交換柱 06山資3148
Dionex IonPac AS20 陰離子交換柱
分析柱 | |
IonPac AS20 Analy媽的tical Column (2 x 250 mm) | 063065 |
IonPac AS20 Analytical Colu裡但mn (4 x 250 mm) | 063148 |
IonPac AS20 Capillary Colu通問mn (0.4 x 250 mm) | 075399 |
保護柱 | |
IonPac AG20 Guard Column在樹 (2 x 50 mm) | 063066 |
IonPac AG20 Guard Column (4 x 50 m熱但m) | 063154 |
IonPac AG20 Capil大山lary Guard Column (0.4 x 50 mm) | 075400 |
The IonPac? AS20 hydroxide-selectiv分放e anion-exchange col黃內umn is specifically designed for de河近termination of trace c劇綠oncentrations of pe鐵音rchlorate in drinking water, surface wa作愛ter, and groundwater matr見民ices. The capacity an土到d selectivity of th道和e AS20 ensures that perchlora錢低te can be quantifi熱山ed at low μg/L 能快concentrations us喝做ing suppressed conductivity de在街tection, even in the p來船resence of very high concentr學好ations of chloride, carbonate, and sulf文那ate. The new IonPac AS20 Capillary Col木我umn is packed with the same m著慢aterial as the equivalent standard bor章分e version (providing the same per我他formance as a 4 mm column) but req學現uires only 1/100th煙飛 the eluent flow rate. The c得微apillary format provides the advantage 高樂of significantly reduced eluent cons兵間umption, which helps reduce operating c快湖osts.
Recommended for US EPA Method信少 314.1 (Confirmatory答要 Method)
High capacity: 310 μeq pe站訊r column. (4 × 250 mm)
Use the Cryptand C1道多 Concentrator Column fo美錢r sample preconcentration with t去自he analytical column
Simplified Reagent-Free IC師西 operation provided by the Eluent Gene畫街rator
ASRS 300 or ACES 東不300 provides RFIC operatio遠和n with low background and enhan醫上ced analyte sensitivity
Column selectivity is 愛黃optimized for 30 °C o拍紅perating temperature
Compatible with organic solvents
The IonPac AS20 is the specified colu國木mn in US EPA Method 314.1我我 (Confirmatory Meth畫長od). The Cryptand費厭 C1 Concentrator Colu相那mn is the specified concentrator 水線column for sample pr現又econcentration in 信下that method.
Use the IonPac AS20 column熱去 with an RFIC? system for opti靜靜mum detection limi風刀ts. Use the Anion Se金科lf-Regenerating Suppressor (ASRS土身? 300) or the Anion Capillary 睡務Electrolytic Suppressor (ACES 3雨木00) with the AS20 column for eluent sup站務pression.
IonPac AS20 Anion-Exchange Colum還冷n Specification討光s | |
Maximum Operating Pressure: | 4000 psi (standard and m嗎雨icrobore) 5000 psi 民也(capillary) |
Mobile Phase Compatibility: | pH 0–14; 0–100% HPLC solven技藍ts |
Ion Exchange Group: | Functional Group: Alkanol quatern呢靜ary ammonium ion |
Column Construction: | PEEK with 10–32 threaded ferrule s司錯tyle end fittings. All components are nonmeta歌影llic. |
Functional Group Characte紙司ristics: | Ultralow Hydrophobicity動得 |
Dimensions: | IonPac AS20 Capillary Column: 0.4 ×250 mm&頻厭nbsp; IonPac AG20 Capillary Guard 會大Column: 0.4 × 50 mm IonPac AS20 Analytical Column:志器 2 × 250 mm IonPac AG20 Guard Col城上umn: 2 × 50 mm IonPac AS20 Analytical Colu動知mn: 4 × 250 mm IonPac AG20 Guar舞湖d Column: 4 × 50 mm
Capacity: | 3.1 μeq (0.4 × 250 mm capil藍請lary column) |
Substrate Characteris城和tics: | Bead Diameter and Po話道re Size: 7.5 μm (2 × 子訊250, 4 × 250 and 0.4 × 250 人外mm); super macroporous resin (2000 ?) 11 μm (2 ×身電; 50, 4 × 50 a關服nd 0.4 × 50 mm);章靜 microporous resin (<1 ?) Crosslinking (%DVB): 55% |