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Dionex IonPac AS27 陰離子交換柱門道 088437



Dionex IonPac AS27 陰離子交森生換柱 088437



Dionex  IonPac  AS27 陰離子交換柱街吧 088437

實現痕量鹵氧化物和無機陰離子的高分辨率分離飲用水使用Thermo Sc山唱ientific Dionex&nb答頻sp; IonPac  AS27 分析和保護柱。這(zhè)些說錯羟基選擇性陰離子交換柱可以分析飲用水與乙二胺(ED和民A)完好(hǎo)的樣(yàng)品無需預處多錢理或富集。這(zhè)as27柱Dionex 購對IonPac符合美國(guó)EPA方法300和30吧理0.1的性能(néng)要求。


Dionex  IonPac  AS市技27 陰離子交換柱 088437


Dionex  Ion中舞Pac  AS27 陰離子交換柱

Analytical   Columns
Dionex IonPac AS27 Analytica窗制l Column (4 × 250 mm物金)088437
Dionex IonPac AS27 Analytical C民內olumn (2 × 250 mm)088439
Dionex IonPac AS27 Capillary Column (爸員0.4 × 250 mm)088441
Guard   Col謝愛umns
Dionex IonPac AG2玩熱7 Guard Column (4 × 50 mm)088438
Dionex IonPac AG27 Guard Column (懂玩2 × 50 mm)088440
Dionex IonPac AG27 大關Capillary Guard Column (0.4 × 5山到0 mm)088442




Trace Analysis of Ox金地yhalides and Inorganic Anions 公機in Drinking Water Preserved with Ethy輛愛lenediamine 

Achieve high resolution 快窗separations of trace oxyhalides and 關制inorganic anions in drinki去還ng water using the Therm什就o Scientific? Dionex? IonPac? AS27 hydroxide-selective anio那電n-exchange column. T舞會he selectivity of the Dionex IonPac 看美AS27 column has be女章en optimized for trace level analysis 畫的of bromate in t工討he presence of ppm levels of ethylen著劇ediamine (EDA). EDA is used as a pre員關servative in some d少路rinking water samples and can 師如cause interference of early eluting舊來 peaks, including br不明omate. The high resolut煙師ion, high capacity a坐也nd selectivity of the Dione討不x IonPac AS27 column allows the 區件determination of trace bromate in通話 drinking water without samp體鐘le pretreatment 河如or preconcentrati中懂on. The Dionex Ion物文Pac AS27 columns m是放eets the performance requi好好rements of US EPA Method技看s 300.0 and 300.1.

The Dionex IonPac AS27 column 知腦is available in three f高分ormats: 4 × 250 mm, 2不地 × 250 mm and 0.4 × 250 月黃mm.The Dionex IonPac A術理S27 Capillary Colu西有mn is packed with th銀秒e same material a購道s the equivalent standar場也d bore version (prov家村iding the same performan來雜ce as a 4 mm column), but req機白uires only 1/100th the eluent少空 flow rate.The capilla妹到ry format provides th身學e advantage of significan長呢tly reduced eluent consumption, which看們 helps reduce operati女木ng costs.

  • Optimized for analysis of tr土樂ace bromate in drinking water preserved讀匠 with EDA

  • High capacity: 220 μeq不呢 per column (4 × 250 看火mm)

  • Meets or exceeds performance 嗎都requirements of US EPA Meth吃藍ods 300.0 and 300.1

  • Column selectivity is optimized for山紅 30 °C operating temperature

  • Compatible with organic solvents

The Dionex IonPac AS27 column i司這s designed for the analys友也is of oxyhalides and common i學雪norganic anions including fluori坐日de, chlorite, bromate, chloride, n開西itrite, bromide, chlorate, nit討但rate, phosphate, and sulfate in 分生drinking water, groundwater, wastew算月ater, and other diverse sample 購們matrices. The Dionex IonPac AS27 colu風黃mn allows analysis of most drinking w電資ater preserved with EDA without sample愛報 pretreatment or pre麗師concentration. This col志門umn is ideally used with an地美 RFIC system for automatic黑算 eluent generation.

The key applica妹那tion for the Di業秒onex IonPac AS27 column is the dete坐筆rmination of trace bromate in dri術開nking water matrices that have 師你been preserved with EDA using a pot業身assium hydroxide gradient with supp劇問ressed conductivity dete河慢ction. The selectivity 關動of the Dionex IonPac AS請林27 column ensures th制鄉at bromate can be quantified哥行 at low μg/L concentrati兒得ons using suppressed condu雪筆ctivity detection eve對資n in the presence of very high c師煙oncentrations o這商f chloride, sulf從技ate, and carbonat就哥e as well as EDA.

The Dionex IonPac AS27 column ha生件s similar selectivity and c離去apacity compared to the Dio討熱nex IonPac AS19 co裡跳lumn and most application算那s can be performed on ei你通ther column. Howe刀民ver, for samples preserved wit如火h EDA, the Dionex IonPa師訊c AS27 column is re影美commended.

The Dionex IonPac 少請AS27 column produc秒公es under 3000 psi at the standa山短rd flow rates and can b紅她e operated on any Di了紅onex IC system, such as the Th雜麗ermo Scientific? Dionex? ICS-5000+ HPIC? or the Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-400訊鄉0 Capillary HPIC syst睡謝em.

Note: Use the Thermo Scientific? Dionex? AERS? 500 Anion Electrolytically Re哥得generated Suppressor w輛個ith the Dionex IonPac A行友S27 column for eluent suppress喝在ion.



Dionex IonPac AS27 Anion-Exch近那ange Column Specifications
DimensionsDionex IonPac AS27 Analytica服民l Column:
2 × 250 mm an子嗎d 4 × 250 mm
Dionex IonPac AG27 Guard Co學飛lumn:
2 × 50 mm and 4 × 50 mm
Dionex IonPac AS27 Capillary 草區Column:
0.4 × 250 mm
Dionex IonPac AG27 Capi見和llary Guard Column:
0.4 × 50 mm
Maximum operating pressure3000 psi
Ion-exchange groupFunctional Group: Alkanol quater看裡nary ammonium ion
Functional group characteristicsUltralow hydrophobicity
Capacity2.2 μeq (0.4錢高 × 250 mm capil黃話lary column)
0.05 μeq* (0.4 &答街times; 50 mm capillary guard column)
55 μeq (2 × 250 mm anal議行ytical column)
1.25 μeq* (2 × 50 mm gua得舊rd column)
220 μeq (4 &t算樹imes; 250 mm analytical column)
5 μeq* (4 × 50 mm guard col廠湖umn)
*Guards are packed wit村讀h a low-capacity micropo森如rous resin.
Column constructionPEEK with 10-32 th雪也readed ferrule-style 美高end fittings.
All components are nonmetallic.
Substrate characte窗公risticsBead Diameter a黃子nd Pore Size: 6.5 μm (0.4 x那事 250, 2 ×&湖關nbsp;250 and 4 × 250 mm);東水
super macroporous resin (2000 ?)
10 μm (0.4 x 50, 2 &ti務水mes; 50 and 4 &t外嗎imes; 50 mm);
microporous resin (<1 ?)
Cross-Linking (%DVB): 55東票%
Mobile phase compatibili得時typH 0–14; 0–100% HPLC solven科坐ts


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